General Project Information: SY-EL pottery datasets Financed by: FWF Project number: ORD69 Title: Wares, Types and Fabrics: The Upper Egypt Contribution to LCP – Waren, Typen und Fabrikate. Ein Beitrag aus Oberägypten zum LCP Project director: Sabine Ladstätter Duration: 2017/06/01-2020/04/30 Original data recorded as part of the FWF-Project: P 23866 Einzelprojekte (Housing in Antiquity in Syene/Elephantine, Upper Egypt – Antike Wohnkultur in Syene/Elephantine, Oberägypten) Project director: Sabine Ladstätter Duration: 2011/11/01-2015/01/31 Syene pottery analysis/documentation: Laura Rembart; Sabine Ladstätter Elephantine pottery analysis/documentation: Denise Katzjäger Fabric analysis: Lisa Peloschek Final product: 3 dissertations (Rembart, Katzjäger, Peloschek) and several publications (see #4; SY-EL_Publikationen) 1. Petrofabrics folder: a. Petrosamples_Lisa: i. File description: Concordance list of all samples taken and analyzed by Lisa Peloschek on material studied by Rembart, Katzjäger and Ladstätter; ii. Creators: Original data by Lisa Peloschek; concordance with LCP data created by Laura Rembart and Nicole High-Steskal; iii. Software: MS Word 2013; converted to MS Excel 2013 iv. List includes: * IFAO-sample No. (where sample is now held) * fundname = unique vessel ID number * Fabrikat1 = Fabric identification by Lisa Peloschek as described in her dissertation * LCP petrofabric name and URL for full record b. Fabrics_LCP_Concordance: i. File description: Concordance list of Lisa Peloschek’s fabric designations and LCP fabric designations ii. Creators: Original data by Lisa Peloschek; concordance created by Laura Rembart and Nicole High-Steskal; edited by Mary Ownby; iii. Software: MS Word 2013; converted to MS Excel 2013 iv. List includes: * LCP Name * LCP URL * LCP ID number * Lisa Diss-Name = name used in Lisa Peloschek’s dissertation * Authors of list and concordance 2. LCP-Ware Flowchart a. File description: visualization aid for the identification of ware types as described by the Levantine Ceramics Project b. Creators: Laura Rembart and Nicole High-Steskal c. Software: flowchart maker 3. SY-EL_Publikationen a. File description: list of all publications, dissertations relating to the SY-EL material by Rembart, Katzjäger, Peloschek b. Creators: Laura Rembart and Nicole High-Steskal * Software: Zotero 5.0.6, converted to bibtex